Trianel GmbH pools all activities of energy procurement and marketing as well as all trading activities of the Trianel Group.
Convinced by scientific work in stochastic optimization as well as by the lasting success of the use of stochastic optimization for many years, the company uses the software and optimization models made by Decision Trees GmbH in the generation portfolio management, dispatch planning of thermal power plants as well as gas portfolio management.
As the most successful public utility cooperative in Germany and all of Europe, the company not only manages its own energy generation capacities, but it also markets them for its partners and clients, for example, the Hamm-Uentrop power plant and further real and virtual power plants and power plant slices.
Since January, 2008, the capacities have been marketed on the basis of the results achieved by the stochastic optimization with DT.PLANTVAL. Since that time, the profitability of the plants has significantly increased. Furthermore, Decision Trees has developed the software DT.STORAGE especially for Trianel. Since October, 2008, this software has been used to optimize the day-ahead and forward trade decisions for the Trianel gas storage facility in Epe.